My Background
I was born in Ilorin, Nigeria in the late 1980's. As the last born in a group of 4 boys, I came to planet earth as an observer of life around me. Trying to understand why I was born at such a time like this and into the family I was blessed with. This already created my foundation as an observer and developed my 'spirit of reflection' of life as a whole.
Ever since then, I have spent my existence on planet earth trying to understand what a fruitful human experience looks like. Being born to a family that always believed in regional and global impact, we embarked on this journey as a family, pioneered by my Dad. This saw me live in Nigeria, Ivory Coast, Tunisia and now England UK.
Subconsciously soaking in different cultures and languages, my understanding of the universal needs of people have deepened, leading me into the truth that - "whereever I find myself, if I can benefit that environment, I have indeed found a fruitful human experience".
Amongst many of my life experiences, the key moments below have shaped my understanding of my God-given calling, thinking and outlook on life:
Experience of living in different countries
My internship at the BBC in 2008
Experience around my diagnosis of Non-Hodgkins Lymphoma (cancer) in 2009
Master's (MSc) in Marketing at the Manchester Business School
Setting up my social enterprise (FRESHRB C.I.C.) in 2013
These are key pillars that have formed my professional career path and have informed my perspective on how I impact the world around me.
Have a look below to see a few of my career highlights thus far.

Careers Highlights

2013 - Present
Founder and CEO - FRESHRB C.I.C.
The Founder and CEO of FRESHRB C.I.C., a creative media agency 'social enterprise' focused on using media as a tool to build engagement with health topics and research.
2023 - Present
Advisory Group - Just Psychology CIC
As a communications consultant, I am part of a strong team of advisors to Just Psychology which has a mission to improve the accessibility and appropriateness of psychological and mental health services for black and minority ethnic children and their families by providing evidence-based, effective, and culturally competent interventions in the North West of England, UK.
2012 -2013
Account Manager - TheEword, Return (on Digital) and Lakestar McCann
I worked as an account manager in 3 different digital marketing agencies in Manchester over a duration of 18 months. In all roles, I was responsible for overseeing and conducting the execution of Search Engine Optimisation (SEO) marketing campaigns for SMEs, Major and International brands.
2008 - 2009
Trainee - BBC
I was part of the BBC mentor project in Manchester that gave me key media industry experience. I was exposed to the practical process of producing television and radio content.
2007 - 2011
University Education
I obtained a Master's Degree 'MSc in Marketing' from the Manchester Business School and a Joint Honour Bachelor Degree in 'Communications and Business Studies' from the University of Liverpool.